On April 1, 2023, the inauguration ceremony of the Guandan Professional Committee of the Chinese Enterprise Sports Association was held in Beijing. This ceremony also marked the official launch of the 2023 (Inaugural) China Workers’ Competitive Guandan Championship.

Guandan, a sport originating from Huai’an, Jiangsu, has gained nationwide popularity due to its unique blend of fun and competitiveness, making it a highly promising intellectual sport. The Chinese Enterprise Sports Association, a national-level organization leading the development of employee sports in China, places great importance on promoting intellectual sports. To further drive the development of Guandan, the association has established the Guandan Professional Committee, dedicated to conducting activities related to employee Guandan sports. This committee is the first national-level professional organization dedicated to Guandan sports, with Mr. Liu Ruiqi, Chairman of Boya Group Co., Ltd., serving as its inaugural chairman.

The China Workers’ Competitive Guandan Championship is the first branded event launched by this professional committee and the first national competitive Guandan event. The competition will be conducted in stages, using a “block-based preliminary” + national final model. Preliminary matches will be organized within various industry systems (blocks) and provincial-level systems (chunks), with winning teams advancing to the national finals. This championship provides a national platform for all Guandan enthusiasts to showcase their talents.
